learning as I snap

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Along the track, butterflies etc.

I set out to take photos rather than just walk, but butterflies are tricky, and I haven't enough patience.
Comma co-operating by posing

One of those confusing brownish critters

and a different one

not a butterfly

Loosestrife or willow herb?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A swimming goose

I love the nonchalantly trailing feet

A few random flowers


Flowers and tortoiseshell at Belton House

Belton House Orangery

Green  man
I think this was labelled as "pineapple plant"

The flowers in more detail
Light and shade and general lushness

Stamford buildings

Looking up from the river

Detail of a door

Contrast between building and contents

Outside Riverside restaurant